Eugene Souleiman - CRAFTED CHAOS Flechtfrisuren – Bild 1 / 9
Backstage auf der London Fashion Week mit Eugene Souleiman, Global Creative Director von Wella Professionals, Care & Styling,
Er kreierte die Frisurenlooks mit dem Kollektionsnamen CRAFTED CHAOS für die Antonio Berardi S/S ‘14 Show.
Lange Haare mit kleinen Flechteinlagen an den Seitenpartien der Trägerin revolutionieren die kommenden Flechtfrisuren für 2014.
Die Nachfrage der Endverbraucher nach Flechtfrisuren hat hierdurch einen weiteren neuen Hype erreicht. Die komplette Kollektion wurde durch die 80´s Heavy Metal Stars inspiriert.
Einen Film über diese Show finden Sie auch auf Youtube unter:
Backstage at London Fashion Week with Eugene Souleiman, Global Creative Director, Wella Professionals, Care & Styling
Creating the Hair Look for Antonio Berardi S/S ‘14
The hair look at the Antonio Berardi, SS14 show, crafted by Eugene Souleiman, took inspiration from ‘80’s heavy metal stars. “Antonio’s collection is incredibly chic with beautiful textured fabrics in body conscious and diaphanous silhouettes. At the fitting, I spotted some chic biker jackets which to me epitomised the play between opulence and something a little rawer and this inspired me to create a hair look that mixed beautifully crafted braids with a harder, rawer, organic texture” said Eugene Souleiman, Global Creative Director, Wella Professionals.
The resulting hair look, had an urban chic feel to it, and was grounded more in music than fashion. “This look is about making festival hair look chic, and takes its cues from popular culture, yet at the same time the braids give the look an air of sophistication” adds Eugene.
Get the Look:
· Start with freshly washed and conditioned hair, using Wella Professionals Enrich Shampoo and Conditioner, to ensure hair is in perfect condition
· Blow dry hair straight using a soft bristle brush pulling the hair backwards away from the face
· When hair is dry, section off the top and front sections, leaving an ‘under section’
· Divide the under section in two down the middle and spray Wella Professionals Perfect Setting to each section to add control when you come to braid. Create two braids, starting flat to the scalp but pulling the braid out so that it sits away from the ear
· When the braids are complete, spray with a little Wella Professionals Stay Styled Finishing Spray to the braids to keep them looking sharp
· Release the sectioned off hair and run straightening irons through the hair, clamping the ends to prevent it from looking too soft, then section by section starting at the underneath, pat Wella Professionals Extra Volume Styling Mousse in to the roots of the hair, combing each section through with a fine tooth comb
· Continue this process all the way through to the front section of hair – the mousse should give a feeling of separation and create a ‘satin wetness’ to the hair. Take a wide tooth comb and rake hair back, creating a ‘rocker’ style effect
Pin the hair above the braid above each ear and dry the mousse using a blow dryer diffuser, when ‘set’ release the pins, pulling one braid forward and leaving the other to hang behind the shoulder
- Wella Professionals Enrich Shampoo and Conditioner
- Wella Professionals Perfect Setting Blow Dry Lotion
- Wella Professionals Stay Styled Finishing Spray
- Wella Professionals Extra Volume Styling Mousse
Wella Professionals is available in professional salons across the world. For more information, visit
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